Ashley Pederson

Ashley Pederson

Licensing: 2005025246

Inspiration is not always found in big events or famous people, but rather in the words and actions of those who surround us daily. Ashley’s grandfather, who was a successful businessman, gave Ashley her life-long inspiration when she was 10 by giving her a framed picture of the quote:

Press on, Ashley. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.

This framed quote and her grandfather’s photo hang above Ashley’s desk as a daily witness to our team of the source and force of her inspiration. As Ashley has said before, “ . . . Being a positive person is a must-have to be a part of our team . . . ” By first meeting with clients, we develop a good grasp on their goals and desires. We all work hard to stay a few steps ahead of competition by using a professional photographer, by utilizing both digital and traditional marketing strategies, and by applying each clients’ input for staging their property. Our satisfied customers are our highest praise and greatest reward.

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CONTACT Ashley Pederson